For those of you who haven't updated your links yet, I asked at my new website whether the church itself ought to have a color. Please update your links...See you there!
For those of you who haven't switched your RSS feeds yet, I wrote an article on how we need to re-think the structure of church from a pyramid to an inverted pyramid. Here is the article:
For those of you who haven't switched your RSS feeds yet, I began a series of mashups of Taking On the System by Markos Zuniga and the social life of Jesus -- looking to see what the church might learn about its social witness. Part III is here:
For those of you who haven't switched your RSS feeds yet, I began a series of mashups of Taking On the System by Markos Zuniga and the social life of Jesus -- looking to see what the church might learn about its social witness. Part II is here:
For those of you who haven't switched your RSS feeds yet, I began a series of mashups of Taking On the System by Markos Zuniga and the social life of Jesus -- looking to see what the church might learn about its social witness. The post is here:
For those of you who haven't changed your RSS yet to my new website, I posted the beginning of a series of reflections on Seth Godin's new book Tribes. Here is the post:
For those of you who haven't changed your RSS yet, I wrote a mock poltical debate that can be used in churches (using Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots, and Essenes). It plays off of our political debate culture. We used it in a church service last week. Here is the skit (about 10 minutes)
For those still coming here and haven't switched their RSS yet, on my new blog I wrote a post referring to "Country First" as not a real option for Evangelical Christians.
Hi, welcome to my former blog! My name is Ryan Bolger, and this is where I posted my thoughts on Jesus, culture, new forms of community, among other things. Come visit me at my new blog: I still teach at Fuller Seminary in Southern California where I'm doing some writing as well. Feel free to bounce around the new or old website -- I hope it might stir your imagination -- feel free to stir mine as well by leaving some comments, preferably at the new site...
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