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May 19, 2005



I still think the focus even in Emergent is on worship as soemthing during the service. You're right, at Biola it was mostly about the event. Post-emergent worship is about missions, about the hungry and poor. It's also about counseling, about helping people through the issues that come up while lighting that candle or writing that post-it at a station. Otherwise we tease people, we stop at the event, we go back to a 2 on 1 style worship, Me, Station and God. What of community as worship. This is what we're looking into in our worship in Long Beach. Nice to see you blogging. Keep going. Let me know when you go to Nicaragua, I'll go with you and show you around.


ryan! welcome to the pool. the water of late is.... interesting..... warm in certain spots ;-)

anyway. 'ppreciate the link in your blogroll and your thoughts on worship. i think you nailed it. interesting journey for us at VC as we've had a long history of "worship" (ie music and that vineyard ethos) but we've moved away from that so much. we're kinda coming back to it in a fresh way. or atleast i hope we are.

+ Alan

Dude! Ryan Bolger looks like THAT! I am shocked. I clicked over here today and saw that photo and let me tell you this is in NO way how I pictured you. Pretty funny. Peace to you.

Ryan Bolger

Thanks for your post.
I think what you are calling emergent is what I call Gen X or young adult services, i.e. making the show more trendy. Emerging Church, in my definition, is inherently missional -- going outside rather than seeking to draw a crowd. I think you are calling this post-emergent.

Wow, would love to meet up in Nicaraqua - may God make it so someday!!

Ryan Bolger

Yes, I got that sense -- that VC has evolved in that way.

I think a necessary step for many communities is to deconstruct the service and de-emphasize worship, as you did when you went from the main service to house church back in the mid-nineties. Then, once the community understands that church is not a place and time but a 'sent' people, worship can be discussed again. I see VC doing just that. Cool.

Ryan Bolger

What were you thinking I looked like?
This could be interesting...

+ Alan

Dude, I had you with short hair, 40+, conservative, button-down shirt - you know that sort of Campus Crusade staffer look - ha! Pretty funny.

Ryan Bolger

Alan, I had that look a few years ago -- I'll have to post them when I get a hold of them! you would laugh at the contrast...

rosetta stone Review

oh my!! i love you so much!!

Thank you so much.

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