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August 04, 2005


the guy in the back of the class...now in Indiana


Thanks for sharing your accolades for one of your mentors and the influence he has had on you. It's amazing to me to see God matches sometimes the most unlikely pairs in a mentor/mentoree relationship. BTW, since I've been back to much church in Indiana, I've talked about your research and look forward to reading your book!


Ron -- A.k.a. The guy in the back of the class from the I-61 cohort

P.S. I'm gettin' into this blogging thing. Check mine out. At this point its more of a personal journal. We'll see where it goes from here.

Ryan Bolger

Ron, the link failed when I tried your blog -- Cool that you are getting into the blogging thing...

(the guy in the front of the class)

Bill Ekhardt

Thanks for sharing this influence with us, Ryan. It is very helpful to hear the stories that led to the transformation of people who go on to affect us.

The guy in the back of the class...now in Indiana


Try this. I realized I sent the wrong info after I posted.



Wess Daniels

I'm with you, just a few years too late, or I would have follow Wilbert the way you did...carry his legacy forward into this new age.


How long did Wilbert Shenk teach at Fuller?

christian louboutin

You're a braver woman than I it was weeks before I could even begin to think about looking at the incisions from my lap. Even now I don't like to touch them.


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  • Hi, welcome to my former blog! My name is Ryan Bolger, and this is where I posted my thoughts on Jesus, culture, new forms of community, among other things. Come visit me at my new blog: http://www.ryanbolger.com. I still teach at Fuller Seminary in Southern California where I'm doing some writing as well. Feel free to bounce around the new or old website -- I hope it might stir your imagination -- feel free to stir mine as well by leaving some comments, preferably at the new site... Peace...


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