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September 14, 2005


Graham Doel

I agree. We can bemoan the changing culture or engage with it. The struggle for the hard pressed leader of the local chruch is that they are so busy propping up the institution they have little time left for innovation.


great thoughts. I think this also revitalised the shepherd motif for leaders. Why - cause most people I know who are gathering info from many sources want someone to help them process all this stuff. Thus we as leaders need to lay down the "control" structures we've build so we can pick up our "compass" and help guide and instruct those we seek to lead.


Thanks for the thoughts. I agree with what you are saying. Leaders as guides on the side could also facilitate the move away from a Sunday morning focus and make this journey more of a 24/7 thing. Obviously, corporate worship is important. But focus on a weekend service and a single communicator, often lets us off the hook from doing our own homework.
I'm sure this isn't a new idea but I really like the thought of a community working on the same homework or general topic or verses or whatever during the week. Then take what would have been the traditional "teaching time" and let it be a discussion or sharing of what folks discoverd during the week.

Rhett Smith

Thanks for this post. It makes me wonder about this concept of moving ourselves right out of a job. I think the Church would change more for the better, if everyone wasn't so afraid about job security. But who am I to talk...I rely on a certain amount of job security. Which makes me realize that we must begin, as pastors, to more and more adapt to the context of our situations, and to gain other skills so that we can be out in front of change, rather than holding up in the back.


with this post and the last one, i think you are onto a very fruitful and necessary line of thought. the whole question and "culture" of leadership needs to be rethought in the light of changes in access to information, knowledge and opinion about matters of faith.

Ryan Bolger

I like this convesation -- yes, I agree, if the church practiced 'guide on the side', it would mean revolutionary changes...

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