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September 22, 2005



come to VT for a visit... only 2.5 hours more

Ryan Keating

... I heard that you were going to be in the area... but i thought it wasn't until next week... when you're back at yale, be sure to e-mail or call: 860-777-5930!

Ryan Bolger

Eric, and Ryan -- sorry I had no free time while there -- came straight to the conference from the airport, left right after. Really impressed with how beautiful New Haven was -- with the green open space and tall church steeples, and older than Calif architecture, it reminded me of England --

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I hope everything went perfect at Yale.

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Going to Yale is a great achievement, great work.

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Dude am late I guess but I guess you might have enjoyed a lot in Yale.

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I hope everything went well at yale....hoping for a great show....:)

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  • Hi, welcome to my former blog! My name is Ryan Bolger, and this is where I posted my thoughts on Jesus, culture, new forms of community, among other things. Come visit me at my new blog: http://www.ryanbolger.com. I still teach at Fuller Seminary in Southern California where I'm doing some writing as well. Feel free to bounce around the new or old website -- I hope it might stir your imagination -- feel free to stir mine as well by leaving some comments, preferably at the new site... Peace...


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