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December 12, 2005



both good and funny. I can't wait to dive into the book.

bob c

blue on black
agh...my eyes...my eyes

Existential Punk

This is so funny! Great interview. So, when will you actually be on Larry King Live? Brian McLaren can probably help you out! LOL!!!

John W. Morehead

Ryan, thank for the hypothetical interview, and the book which I am just finishing up. It changed my perspective on the emerging church. Previously I was largely inclined to see the U.S. versions of it as largely focused on questions of epistemology and ecclesiology, and less so on missiology in a Western context, as opposed to U.K. and Australian expressions. Your research has given me new hope that at least some segments of the emerging church are thinking through missional issues in the Western world. I especially appreciated one of the initial statements you made in the book that the church in the West desperately needs missiologists. A hearty Amen!

James Paul

I thought Larry asked some great questions, as always. Great job, Larry. You're the man!

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