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December 12, 2005


Jason Zahariades

Hi Ryan. I work for the company that interviewed you. Thanks for giving us your time. And thanks for blogging some of your responses to the interview questions. This stuff is great! And as a member of a small and struggling missional community, your thoughts rejuvenate and re-envision me for the journey. Keep up the great work!

Existential Punk

Ryan, i used to be a part of YWAM, and for the most part, are still modern in their approach to missions. There are small pockets of people wanting to see the change you talk about here - going in and facilitating and letting go of control and empowering the people to find their own contextual ways of doing mission in their context. Thank you for your thoughts! Adele


Hey Ryan,
My roommate and a couple of friends took your class this past quarter and my other roommate has been praising your new book like crazy. I read your interview questions and was curious as to if you did any reading of Archbishop William Temple. He apparently was an influence to Newbigin, and his ideas of public theology seem quite similar to your comments. I'm looking to do some extensive work with Temple's works. I hope to be part of Dr. Wendy Dackson's push to bring Temple's public theology to the forefront of Christianity today. Anyways, most people have rarely heard of him, let alone actually read his works, but I was just curious as to if you had or not.

John W. Morehead

Ryan, thanks for this post. As I read it I was reminded of concerns I had while reading Philip Jenkins' The Next Christendom recently. He describes the shift in Christianity from the Northern Hemisphere to the South. With the U.S. playing in increasingly lesser role in world missions, and with the development of Southern and Two-Thirds World theologies, will American Christianity be permission giving to these new developments, and be able to adjust to a servant role in the twenty-first century? It will be difficult for many I fear.


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