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December 20, 2005


+ Alan

You had dinner with a good man there Ryan. Maybe we can all break some food together sometime. Peace.

Dana Ames

I remember reading about this in the "Cutting Edge" magazine- and I saved it. It excites me to no end! I think John would be in the thick of this conversation.

Thanks for your blog; I appreciate your insights and your spirit.

Dana Ames
Ukiah, CA

Bill Ekhardt

Thanks for sharing this piece of the church with us, Ryan.


Ryan -

I've seen your book talked about on emergent blogs for a while, just found a link to your blog and saw this post - look forward to reading your blog. I was wondering which pre-Wimber Vineyard you were at (in my understanding of the timeline, there were about 3 or 4 when Wimber started)? I was in SLO...

Ryan Bolger

Chris(tine) -- I was part of the Valley Vineyard in the San Fernando Valley (just north of LA). I joined it right after the Vineyard split from one church to two...

Dana Ames

Holy cow, Ryan, I didn't think you were old enough to go back that far with the Vineyard!!!

I was Bill Dwyer's secretary from 1983 to 1988- quit to work at home when I was pregnant with baby #3, then we moved away in 1989. I have fond memories of the Vineyard years- felt like my spiritual adolescence in all the good ways: stretching, exploring, taking good risks, being part of a tight tribe with incredible personal support.

Some things have changed- a few personal upheavals, they finally got a building, most of the people we knew have moved on, lots of new people since we left...You must know Dallas Willard attends the Valley Vineyard...

Anyhow, glad you had a relaxing break. Lots of good words for your book out there in the blogs. Looking forward to meeting you some day.



Dana, then I am sure we met at one point -- Tyge Irskens and I would return from UC Davis (1981-1985), and Bill and the church would always pray for us -- mostly during summers and winter break.

I started going to Anaheim in 1985, but Tyge kept connected with the VV until much later...

Dana Ames

I remember Tyge's name but can't put a face to it- I am really sad to have lost you two somewhere in the recesses of my brain...

Blessings to you.



so awesome to hear these stories. thanks for writting em down.


Cool. I was once a pastor at Westside Vineyard in Santa Monica -- it was the very first Vineyard started by Gulliksen; I think Valley was the first new congregation to come out of Westside.

Small emerging world...

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