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December 19, 2005


Steve Sudeth

I loved the class Ryan and I think your thoughts on what to do with the class next time are right on. It was a great learning experience for me and I enjoyed all the new learning avenues. Hopefully I will see you again in the U2 class!


I hope that you will also consider covering www.blinklist.com among the tech tools if you do end up teaching your students about new tech tools and services. If you do check out our site, I would love to hear your thoughts on how we can further improve it. Mike



When I taught a technical class at GW, the class had a pre-assignment. Have you thought about that? You could put together a series of simple exercises and have people go through the work before class starts.

Existential Punk

As a seminary student myself, I appreciate that you really take into account the students concerns and make changes accordingly. i don't see many teachers doing this. i know you can't please veryone all of the time and can't be changing things around all the time, but i think it is a sign of a mature professor to be open and willing to be fluid. Thank you for your example. Hope i get to meet you some day. Merry Christmas! Adele


Thanks for the affirming words...I'm on a steep learning curve but I'm having soooo much fun!!

Andy Rowell

I commented about this post at Taylor University faculty blog on educational technology:

I have pasted it here:

I like this idea of using blogs in class.

See the comments of Ryan Bolger who teaches at Fuller Seminary about his student evaluations on his class last fall. He has them do Wikis and Blogs.

His description of the class is at:
(Sorry this link is kind of broken - it is entitled New Blogs added to the Blogosphere).

Here are his comments about the student evaluations:

Here is the class blog:

By the way, Ryan along with Eddie Gibbs has written the authoritative book on the emerging church movement entitled "Emerging Churches: Creating Christian Community in Postmodern Cultures."

Marta Gillilan

Hi Ryan- I'm checking out this blog for the first time. I look forward to class tomorrow. Marta Gillilan

Lee Schnabel

Hi Ryan,

Your presentation to the MAGL 10 Cohort class was excellent! Not having read your book I will confess some skepticism. However having been a missionary in Guatemala and Panama, you're advocating the same stuff(i.e. methodologies) that helped us survive and become effective in Latin America. I actually felt excited and hopeful after hearing you. Keep up the good work.



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  • Hi, welcome to my former blog! My name is Ryan Bolger, and this is where I posted my thoughts on Jesus, culture, new forms of community, among other things. Come visit me at my new blog: http://www.ryanbolger.com. I still teach at Fuller Seminary in Southern California where I'm doing some writing as well. Feel free to bounce around the new or old website -- I hope it might stir your imagination -- feel free to stir mine as well by leaving some comments, preferably at the new site... Peace...


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