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January 26, 2006


John W. Morehead

It's great to hear that you are working on your second book project, Ryan. I enjoyed your first! For those of us who don't mind wading through the academics of a dissertation, could you tell us where your's can be purchased as an advance sneak peak at your next book?

Jamie Arpin-Ricci

If you want any more eyes on the dissertation for feedback for the book, feel free to send it my way.

Jamie Arpin-Ricci


Hey Ryan,
I'm really looking forward to reading that book too. I will be praying for you... It must be hard to balance your family, teaching, blog, speaking, meeting with students, and now writing... I'll pray that you don't burn out!

God's Peace, Rich

Ed C

The title of your dissertation sold me.
May God bless you as you begin this new project. Sounds like a great idea.

Nick Connell

keep it coming, Ryan. we definitely need and value your voice. Fuller is lucky to have you, but...

Clint Walker

Just bought the first book, and it looks like a promising read!

Thanks for all your hard work in educating all of us!

Matt Proctor

Can I read your dissertation? I am a lowly youth pastor in Iowa in a pursuit to join the conversation.


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  • Hi, welcome to my former blog! My name is Ryan Bolger, and this is where I posted my thoughts on Jesus, culture, new forms of community, among other things. Come visit me at my new blog: http://www.ryanbolger.com. I still teach at Fuller Seminary in Southern California where I'm doing some writing as well. Feel free to bounce around the new or old website -- I hope it might stir your imagination -- feel free to stir mine as well by leaving some comments, preferably at the new site... Peace...


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