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January 11, 2006



Keep a close eye on this guy, he is trying to steal your thunder. Ironic how he is teaching a course this summer "Leading a Missional Church" and you and Breen are teaching a course on "Leading an Emerging Church." Coincidence, I think not. (Note: For those that cannot discern humor in a blog comment, I am joking) :)

Mark Berry

Great stuff Ryan...looking forward to reading the book when it comes out in the UK... only comment on the above is that I am not sure how much we can talk about the world/culture in terms of "the west" etc... Some of the comments you make in q2 also apply (particularly with <30's )in the post-christendom "west" too!

Brian Russell

Hi Ryan,
Excellent essay. I stumbled across a link to your site on Doug Pagit's blog. I write quite a bit on reading the Bible missiologically on my own blog. Have a look sometime if you have a chance. Would enjoy the conversation.

Call Me Ishmael

I resonate deeply with the phrase "unnecessarily weird." I don't know why; I just do.

Renae Dupuis

Sometimes I think my head will explode after I read things like this post - I mean that in the best of ways. I am a Fuller Student (as of this month) that has been trying to figure out why my ministry doesn't fit at any of mainline churches I have found and I've only started to take the ribbon off of the emergent/post-modern box, but it feels like it's the best present I ever got. Thank you so much for putting into concise words what the thoughts and passions in my head keep pushing toward - it will help me to find my direction and keep asking God about what he's got going on for me.

Bob Pratico

Great post. I used it one of my blogs that http://churchinabrewery.com/>equates the traditional church with Elbonia...



Does missional theology water down the gospel?


I am interested in the answer to Joan's question. Do you water the gospel? What I've read of the Emergent Church movement makes me think the answer is "yes."

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I think one of the best examples of missional theology successfully carried out is the ministry of Jim Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle. However, it is important to see what they are doing in order to understand why they have succeeded.

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