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February 27, 2006


Shawn Landres

That is of course the challenge for Jewish Emergent, as well. There never will be more than a handful of independent "Emergent" institutions. The big question is how to transform existing congregations....

Graham Doel

I guess you already know but a great example of how to do this stuff without leaving your church can be found in Steve Taylor aka emergentkiwi.

Follow this link and read from the bottom up: http://www.emergentkiwi.org.nz/archives/cat_reimagining_at_opawa.php


Ryan ... re: last 2 paragraphs ... if you track me down sometime we might talk about a little west coast Canadian pilot project ... in May 2003 Brian McL suggested we could make a go of it ( emerging churches working within existing churches ), and we have tried very hard to do so.



Graham, thanks for the link-- that is why I was careful to say US -- when we researched outside the country -- there was not near the reticence...

Good point, Shawn...

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