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March 02, 2006


Ross Canning

Dear Mr. Bolger:

I heard the tail end of your interview on KPCC's Airtalk program today (3/1/06) and wanted to inform you of the Emerging Church congregation of the larger, more traditional Community of Christ church to which I belong. Basileia: an Open Door Community of Christ started in 1999 as a new congregation in the Greater Los Angeles Stake (now the Southern California Mission Center) of the Community of Christ. The Web site for Basileia is: http://basileia.net/index2.shtml
and for Southern California Mission Center of the Community of Christ is: http://cofchristla.org/index.shtml

Per the congregation's Web site introduction..."Basileia does not define itself geographically, but gathers in relational ministry worshipping God through exploration, community service, spiritual growth, communion, and celebration of life. We strive to provide a safe environment for those that may feel disenfranchised or unaccepted. Diversity is valued here."

Basileia, and the Community of Christ in general, is not typically affiliated with a fundamentalist Christian theology. Being a world-wide church, and a church without a creed, there are regional differences in worship practice and the emphasis placed on various theological viewpoints and traditional Christian doctrines.

I invite you to review the Basileia Web site and would be happy to put you in contact with the pastoral team leading Basileia and also talk about my involvement with this congregation and church. I have been a member of Basileia for only a few months but have been aware of the congregation since its organization in 1999 when I worked in Los Angeles as a youth minister for the Greater Los Angeles Stake.

I enjoyed your conversation on Airtalk and look forward to reading your book.

All the best with your continuing work.

--Ross Canning
West Los Angeles, CA


Thanks Ross for the info on Basileia...

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